Board of Management
Board of Management
Phyllis Keogh- Chairperson
Fr Seán Mundow- Trustee
Seamus O'Donohue- Treasurer
Siobhán McSharry- Teacher's Rep
Dara Breaden- Community Rep
Anthony Buggy- Community Rep
Jennifer Maher- Parent's Rep
Kieran Tierney- Principal
" Archbishop Dermott Farrell, has approved the appointment of Jennifer Maher as the Parent Representative on the Board of Management of St Patrick's Ns, with immediate effect. We are grateful to Jennifer for agreeing to take on this role and her willingness to give of her time, is greatly appreciated"
Admissions Policy 2021
Dear Parents/Guardians,
You may recall that we have posted two drafts of our new Admission Policy here over the last couple of months. These have been submitted in turn to our patron, the Archdiocese of Dublin and have been approved with one notable exception, with regard to oversubscription. In the past, when the Junior Infants class is oversubscribed, priority was given to
1. The siblings of pupils already in the school
2. Children from within parish boundaries of the Parish of Chapelizod
3. Children from outside the parish
We worked from the oldest child to the youngest in each category.
As a result of feedback from our patron, this will have to change and we will have to allocate places in the event of oversubscription to children from within the parish boundaries AND siblings WITH EQUAL PRIORITY working from the oldest down.
You will see these changes in Section 6 of the attached Draft 3 of the Admissions Policy attached here.
Kind regards,
K. Tierney
On behalf of the Board of Management